Saturday 7 February 2009

Amazing day

Last weekend I went to RAK with my friends.
We made amazing plan to this trip, we started this trip by drinking a tea so we drove to RAK by 7 cars when we arrived there the rain coming down and it’s very cold.
We arrived there at midnight then we putted the tents after that we slept between the mountains,
When we weak up in the morning we sow the snow covering all the mountains, really we surprised about there because it first time we sow the snow, shore we ran to up the mountains and we play together then we made iceman and wear it the national dress as ghtra or egal although we set there and drunk coffee so we finished the amazing trip.

This some Photos we toke it in there

Monday 21 April 2008



Title: Marco

Author: Mike Esplen

Publisher: Macmillan Heinemann ELT

Publication date: In1976

ISBN: 1405072_42_7


Level: Beginner

Setting: Place: Farm, Village, and City.

Time: Summer (During the weekend)

Characters: Marco, Marcos parents, Carlo (Lorry driver)

Plot: Marco was living with his parents in the farm ,and they used to work hard every day to live, but Marco didn’t like his way in the life and the daily routine of their work and he choose to broke this routine by visiting the city , he had problems their like the women who steel his money ,then he changed his mind and he come back to his village .

Conflict: when Marco decided to visit the city without knowing anything their.

Opinion: the story was easy and short but it was nice story and I liked it.

Monday 3 March 2008

Marco Polo

Marco Polo was not the first Eropean to travel to China. He was born in Vince in 1254.

His father is, Niccolo Polo, was abusinessman and traveled away from home often.

He wrote a book describes China his name is The

Travels of Marco Polo. Before he died in 1324, Marco Polo said. “I didn’t write about half of the things that I saw “.

Many explorers used Polo’s book as a guide.

Marco Polo helped people to see the world as much bigger .